Folder Creation

Highlighting folder in which a new folder is to be created. Then clicking New Folder button in top toolbar does not create folder in sellected folder, but creates folder in main directory tree.

Right click folder , the context menu has no choice to create a new folder.

Using Windows 10 Pro x64 with all latest updates.
Using Dopus lastest beta version. This issue has been since start for Dopus 13.

Not really an issue : that button never created a subfolder of the selected folder but a subfolder of the lister current folder.
Nevertheless, I had the same expectation due to the newly introduced foldable/unfoldable folders in Opus13.

What you can do :
Solution 1
Modify context menu for folders (Settings/File Types, then find "All the folders") and add a command (Opus function) either :
CreateFolder : will trigger the popup window to let you specify folder name, or
CreateFolder INLINE "{filepath$}/New Folder" : will create a folder named New Folder and instantly enter inline rename mode.

Solution 2
Enter either of these commands (according to your liking) in a button (with a hotkey if you want) that you will place wherever you want. Mine sits near to the breadcrumbs.

You will find several ideas in this thread:

Hello PassThePeas. Where to from here?

Double click "All Folders".
It opens :

Go to the context menu tab, click "+ New"

Type : Opus Function
Give a name (and an icon if you want) to the action
Function : Standard function
In the editor, type in the function you prefer (here is just CreateFolder)

Then you can decide where it will appear in the menu.