Folder Format of Sub-Collections


I wonder if I could inherit the folder format from the parent collection to its sub-collections?

Someone suggested to use a path format elsewhere, however, to my knowledge, this won't work with collections.

So is there a chance to set up this folder format inheritance within collections, too?


Maybe I've found the solution already from article:, especially from this image


However, I wonder why this additional option, as depicted in this image
is not generally available when editing the folder format directly from preferences->folder format.

First I do not see this option at all when modifying my already customized favorite format

and second when editing the path format for my collection, this option is greyed out.


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That checkbox being disabled in Preferences for collections is a UI bug/oversight. We'll get that fixed.

(Favorite formats don't have the checkbox as it doesn't apply to them; it's only for formats that other things can inherit from.)

You can turn it on in another way, by going to the collection, then opening Folder > Folder Options, clicking Save and selecting the option to save for sub-folders.

(Another alternative that should work is a wildcard path format, but that's more work to set up.)

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Thanks for this reply, Leo!