After dragging a url from firefox into DOPUS folder, OPUS jumps from the active folder to the desktop. How do i fix this?
It sounds like Firefox is opening the desktop folder in a new window. If you turn off Explorer Replacement do you get an Explorer window opening instead?
Also, when I try to have OPUS check for updates (within the Help Menu), NOTHING happens
Do you mean literally nothing? No window comes up at all?
If you go to Settings / Customise and then right-click on the Check for Updates command in the Help menu and choose Edit, what command is it set to run?
Drag into OPUS - I may not understand what you're saying about opening in a new window, but from what I can tell, OPUS jumps from the directory I just dragged the URL into to the Dekstop - no new windows are evident. How do I turn off Explorer Replacement?
Re: Updates: correct no window opens, no web page opens, NOTHING happens
editing the Help | Update menu shows this Help CHECKUPDATE
I tried dragging the same URL from Firefox into the same folder as before, but within Windows Explorer, and did NOT have the problem of Windows Explorer jumping from the active folder to the Desktop. So, it seems to be something to do with Opus.
The first thing I'd do is try downloading the latest version, in case that fixes either problem by itself.
We're about to release 12.14 in the next few hours, so you might want to wait for that, then download it via the post that will appear in the New Releases area here at the forum.
When you run the update checker, does the lister lose focus (e.g. titlebar close button changes from red to white)?
Do you have anything installed that changes the look & feel or behavior of windows? Or anything that automates e.g. closing windows or responding to prompts or similar?
This only works with English versions of Opus. It's a quick tool that should find the Opus News window and force it to be visible. That may then reveal what is going on with the updater.
If you run it via a Command Prompt, it should either tell you it can't find the window (as in the first example below), or report some information about it and then make the window appear (as in the second example, in the same screenshot):
after running ConsoleApplication1, when I selected to check for updates, I got the dialog box that i just posted. I rebooted my PC and went into windows 10 Home Firewall and added DOPUS to the list of apps that can communicate through the firewall. Now I get nothing, again, when I click check for updates: no dialog box and no error message. It's like I never selected check for update