My question is I have a folder which contains shortcuts for various programs I use as dumb replacement for windows start button. Is it possible to set single mouse click to open these pointers for this folder only? In other words, I want to folder-level or Tab-level control of double/single click function. Is this possible with DO?
Also, does DO support internal file association like XYplorer? It's an awsome feature since you wouldn't need to mess with windows default setting. It would be nice to internally associate PDF to Foxit reader while leave windows default to Adobe's reader.
It has arguments that let you control whether it shows sub-folders and so on.
Go to Settings -> File Types, edit the PDF type and change what the Double-Click event does. The Events tab is Opus-specific while other tabs affect the whole system (unless you define things which only work inside of Opus), so you have the choice of doing both system-wide and Opus-specific file association changes/overrides.
[quote]It would be nice to internally associate PDF to Foxit reader while leave windows default to Adobe's reader.
Go to Settings -> File Types, edit the PDF type and change what the Double-Click event does. The Events tab is Opus-specific while other tabs affect the whole system (unless you define things which only work inside of Opus), so you have the choice of doing both system-wide and Opus-specific file association changes/overrides.[/quote]
Sorry I am new to DO. Not sure what I have done wrong, but now whenever I double click on PDF file, it opens up Foxit App (without open up the file inside Foxit reader) then opens up the file with Adobe Reader. In other words, when double click, it first opens up an empty Foxit reader window, then opens up the file with Adobe Reader. I have attached my events setting for PDF. Pls let me know how to set this up properly. Thanks.
From your screenshot you've created a double-click event which runs FileType ACTION=openand runs Foxit Reader.
Telling Opus to run the open action is like double-clicking the file outside of Opus. If Adobe Reader is associated with PDF files then that first line will open the file in Adobe Reader. The second line will then run Foxit Reader and open that as well.
As knightcrawler says, you're running Foxit Reader.exe without any arguments so it will just open an empty window.
To so sum up, your double-click event should run this, and only this:
It has arguments that let you control whether it shows sub-folders and so on.[/quote]
Not sure I understand. Basically I want to have the option to open items in certain folders with single click while leave others to open with the usual double click option. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
Not sure I understand. Basically I want to have the option to open items in certain folders with single click while leave others to open with the usual double click option. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?[/quote]
The one click option is globally, so at this time the answer is no. But did you have a look at the various modes like powermode (in -> settings -> lister modes)? It´s customizable how various left or right clicks work.