Hi, so... I have a few use-cases in mind where it would be desirable to have qualifier key info for events - rather than just the clickData.func object for script function buttons that we have now.
Not sure if that sort of info is currently available at the scripting interface - so perhaps its similarly limited at the moment to how I had asked for some basic 'action' info for events that could describe some circumstances about the action that fired an event (such as an OnAfterFolderChange event being generated by a Back or Forward 'Go' command, vs a tree selection of another folder, etc - which I'd still really love to have - even without the additional detail I asked for in that original request).
I'm thinking along the lines of things that we don't necessarily have the ability to customize when interacting with some parts of the UI. Basically, a property in each event related data object that could returns a string indicating any qualifier keys that were held down by the user when the command that caused the event to be fired was invoked. Take a recent script posting I made which included a companion script to auto-close linked tabs. I would actually use that myself as a standalone script, and think it could be broadly valuable to be able to do things like:
[code]Function OnCloseTab(ByRef closeTabData)
If (Script.config.OnCloseTab_Active = False) Then
logMsg("OnCloseTab_Active is Disabled, exit..." & Script.config.OnCloseTab_Active)
Exit Function
ElseIf (closeTabData.tab.linktab = 0) Then
logMsg("Tab is not linked, exit..." & closeTabData.tab.linktab)
Exit Function
If (InStr(closeTabData.qualifiers, "shift") > 0) Then
Dim objCmd
Dim strCommand
Set objCmd = DOpus.CreateCommand
strCommand = "Go TABCLOSE=" & closeTabData.tab.linktab & " NOSCRIPT"
End If
End If
End Function[/code]
...and other similar things where I'd only want the script to carry out it's intended function if a qualifier key was held down during the action that fired the event.