Fully replace File Explorer

Listary is fantastic. Listary

The old version 5 is bit better than the new V6. I've been using it daily for a couple+ years. 5 looks win7 old but is bit more powerful than the new version. They tried to "stream line" by removing function which they havent put back yet.

If I have an open or save dialog listary hover below the box. in any software jumping to the active dopus lister than back to the save box will switch automatically.

And it has great hotkeys options. To activate the box. And move to frequent fold.

You can set up dopus alais's in listary. Listary calls them commands, I've set these common path shortcuts up to match. Listary also has a good FAYT integrated which makes moving round ur system faster.

I couldn't compute without dopus , everything & listary anymore.