Dear Forum,
Is it possible to do a global find and replace on the "Title" field of jpg files? I have some additional info I want to add to a group of files (same for each file) without losing the existing data that is different from file to file.
I guess ideally I am looking for something like the file rename features applied to other columns of the lister.
I have tried to create a button to do the update to the exif data.
See screenshots below.
A few things to note here:
The @set seems to pick up literal text not the intended command.
The SetAttr META title: does not seem to strip the inverted comers correctly.
It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.
For this kind of string manipulation you'll need a script.
function OnClick(clickData) {
var cmd = clickData.func.command;
var tab = clickData.func.sourcetab;
cmd.deselect = false;
for (var e = new Enumerator(tab.selected_files); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var item = e.item();
var itemMeta = item.metadata;
if (itemMeta != 'image') continue;
var itemTitle = itemMeta.image.title;
if (typeof itemTitle == 'undefined') itemTitle = '';
itemTitle += 'text to add';
cmd.RunCommand('SetAttr FILE="' + item + '" META "title:' + itemTitle + '"');
Update Image Title.dcf (1.3 KB)
Thanks lxp. I'll have a play with your script and see how I go.
Thanks again lxp for taking the time to help me. That has got me started and on to where I needed to go.
Have a good one!
This script I've just uploaded may be of use to you: Image Meta
Wow! that looks to be a great tool. Many thanks. I'll check it out.
Yes will be very useful. Thanks. Programmers rock!