In DOpus v10 my HDD name display font color is red on one drive, but in WE it shows black like all the other drives. I've forgotten what the significance of the color red is, but would like to change it back to black like the others. How?
You've assigned the Red label to that drive.
You can reset it using this menu, assuming you're using the default Opus 10 toolbars:
See Set File & Folder Colors/Labels via Context Menu if you don't have the menu and need an alternative.
Thanks Leo! I would never have found that. Apparently it got set some time ago with an accidental click sometime in the past.
Also, when I attached that screen shot, it showed up as an attachment but there was no way for me to actually view what I attached. Is that by design? I don't know if you actually got it or could see it either.
It's because the screenshot was in TIF format, which few web browsers support. I converted it to PNG format and changed the forum so it blocks TIF uploads to avoid the same confusion in the future.
Beautiful! You're a champ. Thanks for all the great help.
That reminds me, I have another unrelated issue which I'll submit as a separate subject.