I understand I can gracefully Exit Dopus from a command line, including multiple open listers, like this:
"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\DOpusRT.exe" /CMD Close PROGRAM
Is there a way to restart Dopus.exe and automatically restore the previously open listers to the same state (e.g. Open folders, appearances, etc.) they were in before the program was closed?
Note: I did review the Reopen Listers/tabs when Dopus Starts, but this post is very old so I am unsure if it still applies.
Essentially, when I reboot my computer, I want Dopus to start as it normally does (with no open listers).
When I close Dopus from a batch file, I want to restart it (with another batch command) but this time, reopen any previously open listers and tabs (along with all other settings and appearances) ideally in the same physical location on the monitor(s).