How to Change in Label Color in Recycling Bin and Network Folders

For the past several months, I've been using a beautiful configuration/layout that was uploaded by another user. I like it except there is one major annoyance. Since the default folder background is black, when I access the Recycling Bin and Network folders, I can't see anything because the color of the file and folder labels is also black. Apparently, the Windows OS doesn't allow certain changes to these 2 types of folders. This person encountered the same issue.

Is there a way to simply change the color of the folder background to white for only the Recycling Bin and Network folders while keeping the same black background for everything else? I've been trying to fiddle around with the settings found in "Preference/Folders/Folder Formats", but I can't seem to figure it out.

Thanks for any help.

Hi, I am 'this person'. I never found a way to change the color. What helped though was refreshing the contents of the tab (F5 in my case). This made all columns white. Not ideal in a dark theme but at least I could read the text. This was in DO 12.

In DO13 I managed to set the color. Unfortunately, this also affects colors in other parts. The color settings in DO are rather confusing with all the overrides etc. Anyway, you could have a look at
Preferences > Colors and Fonts > Windows Colors > Windows contents > Background.

When you change this setting you must close the recycle bin tab and reopen it to see the changes.
Refreshing the tab still changes the colors, so don't forget to do this as well.
Maybe start with a bright pink so that you easily can see what other parts are affected.

Maybe there is a better way, but I haven't found one yet.

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Folders like Recycle Bin (and Network) are handled by the Windows Shell, which uses the first two colors here for the text and background:

(That's Opus 13. In Opus 12, it's the same colors but there's no way to modify them without modifying them system-wide, and Microsoft don't provide an easy way to do that anymore.)

They will affect lots of other things as well, as Amorax says.

It looks like the shell caches the folders when it loads and doesn't notice when they change. Pushing F5 to do a manual refresh seems sufficient to update them, but I'll see if we can make that automatic.

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Thanks for your help!

F5 works!

It's not the best solution since I would have to do this every single time I open a network folder or the recycling bin, but it's fine. I briefly looked into your suggestion of tweaking the background. The problem is that would change the background for every folder, no? It would be great if there was a way to change just specific folder types.

I don't want to spend too much time on this and getting sucked into a rabbit hole. I noticed that I can spend hours trying to make things look perfect. I think what made iPods so successful is that Steve Jobs picked the best format for you so you don't have to spend hours customizing it.

Thanks again!

You can't have special colors which are only used by those two folders, if that's the aim.

But those are also not folders you'd typically spend much time in.