Quick question: How do you make it so that closing the last open lister also exits dopus as a whole -- to rephrase, I don't want dopus running in the background if I don't have an active lister open.
Ideally, I would like a keyboard shortcut to exit the program - alt-f4 just closes the lister, as above.
While your honesty in the other thread is appreciated, it's a bit cheeky to admit that you're using a pirate version and then immediately ask another question, especially one that's almost certainly to do with helping you work around the problems caused by using a pirate version.
This forum does not exist to help people who have pirated Opus. Please don't waste our time and abuse our goodwill on the forum on top of ripping off the time & effort we put into making the program itself.
[quote="michaelkenward"]Indeed, the usual pattern is that someone gets caught out and immediately disappears.
The latest miscreant is the only one I can recall who has actually owned up to using a pirated copy.[/quote]
And if can be proven that this miscreant is truely a free thinking fellow of high school age or just not quite yet, .....
I could be interested.