How To Conditionally Hide Toolbar Button?

Is there a better / new way to conditionally hide toolbar buttons?
My situation is similar to the one from the older post by @tbone.

Additional Info
Continuing the discussion from Hide icon if exe is not available

Continuing the discussion from Hide toolbar/menu button if a specific path does not exist

Better than what? In what way do you need it to be better?

Hide them when what / which condition(s)?

Like @tbone mentioned, I share my Dopus configuration to another PC. The second PC lacks the same programs (.exe) files that are on the first PC.

I want to hide toolbar buttons if the exe is not found in the expected location. I could not find an simplistic way to do this from the aforementioned posts. Perhaps I am missing something with the @hideif modifier syntax?

The evaluator makes that easy these days:

@hideif:=!Exists("<path to file>")


Works, thank you! o)

In former versions of DO, I think I changed the Smiley icon to be a "blank". It was (still is?!) used as default for not existing external icon references (exe files e.g.). This results in blanks on your toolbar like this, if the application is missing.
