How to find a text file within a folder then copy the folder and all sub folders

i know dopus could do this but i don't know the best way to go about it
i have a lot of folders i need to move
that are all over many drives

all the folders have the same text file inside an album folder
so i know i can do a search for the text file and find all the albums

so how to tell dopus to copy the parent folder and all files and sub folders

might look like this
eg c:Music\Abba\Cool songs


or this
c:Music\Abba\Cool songs


so i end up with a copy of Abba\Cool songs all files and folders
i hope this is more understandable now

that should clear things up now

maybe this could be modified to do what i need ?

found this Set FLATVIEW and nested Levels how to set this for my need ? some help would be nice

Use Tools > Find Files to get a list of all the info.txt files.

Select them all.

Run copy {filepath|..} to copy their parent folders to the destination side.


Long form Short form
{filepath} {f!}
Passes the full path and filename of each selected item. Files are passed one at a time - a command that uses this code will be repeated once for each additional selected item. If no files are selected the command will still be run, passing an empty string for this code.

Full paths, one at a time, selected items not required, long filenames, source file display|

.. Modifies the code to refer to the selected item's parent folder rather than the item itself. You can pass multiple .. modifiers separated by \ to return folders higher up the tree. For example {filepath|..\..} would return the name of the item's parent's parent.