Hi, whenever I have a windowpane open (for example a properties window, or when copying files), I have to click the minimize button to force the window to the background. This really annoys me. In Windows Explorer it's standard that when you click somewhere next to that window, the window disappears to the background, what is exactly what I want in DO. I have the idea this behavior did not exist in earlier versions of DO; it once used to be the same as in Windows explorer.
I have a been searching a LOT for a solution, but can't find one. I've tried out all possible solutions (I did find the 'Why are my Opus windows on-top?' page), but all to no avail. I also tried fiddling with themes and reinstalled DO, but no solution there...
Can someone please help me out here? This is driving me crazy...
Like I said: I tried everything on that page, and it did not help. And the solution mentioned there is not appropriate, as there's no possibility to change the allways-on-top setting for a windowpane like a properties window. But if there should be one, I really would like to know where that option is to be found!
As I also said, I even reinstalled DO, changed literally no setting whatsoever, and still it does not work like it should. The allways-on-top setting was set to 'no', which is the standard setting I suppose, and it still says 'no' as I never touched it. Even stronger, I never knew it existed before trying to find a solution... I don't know when I first encountered this problem, but it could be well since installing DO version 12...
So if you open say, Notepad, click on it to bring it to the front, and drag it in over the Opus window, the Opus window will still show over the top of Notepad?
Haha, no, it's not that bad luckily. It's the other way around: if I open a properties window of a file or folder, this window stays on top, no matter what I do next with other programs.
I did just now discover though, that the behavior is like it should be when I open a properties window for the rootfolder of any partition (like C: or D: etc)...
Ok, sticking with Notepad, if you have the Opus window and a properties window open, and you drag Notepad around, does Notepad appear between the Opus window and the properties window? Or does Notepad stay behind both the other two windows?
Notepad appears between the Opus window and the properties window. And if I close the Opus window/main screen, the properties window stays on top of everything else...
I discovered today that a copy/transfer windows is behaving a bit better: it also stays on top over the DO main screen, but for example notepad can get focus as it should get...
If it's just the Properties window appearing on top, that's actually intentional.
The initial mention of other dialogs like Progress doing it as well threw us off, as that would not be normal, but if it's only happening with Properties then it's normal.
Ok, good to know the properties windows is behaving correctly. This was also no big deal for me, as I don't use such windows often. Progress windows are another thing though. And it's indeed like I described; when copying files, this windows stays in front, no matter what I do else. I can click it away though by using the '- sign', but not by clicking anywhere else than this window itself...
I tried if installing DO 11 would make any difference, as I'm convinced I never had this problem with that version. Surprisingly enough, it's now having exactly the same problem as with DO 12! It seems it was not the new DO version causing this problem, after all...
So I guess it's has to be something with some Windows 10 upgrade? I started with 1507 (and I think the problem did not occur then), then 1607 and am now (since 2 weeks) using 1709. Just some background information... Hopefully this helps?
It's normal for the progress dialog to be on top of the Opus window that created it.
It isn't normal for it to be on top of other programs (when Opus is not the active program).
If it's just the former, that's normal, and how Opus has always behaved.
There are options under Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators which let you tell Opus to minimise the progress dialogs automatically, and/or only initially show them on the jobs bar at the bottom of the lister, if you want to get them out of the way of doing other things in the lister while you copy files in the background.
Well Leo, I'm flabbergasted! I could have sworn the progress dialog window used to disappear when clicking anywhere else on the lister. My memory is playing tricks with me, I guess, my apologies. I tried installing DO 12 on different systems with different windows 10 versions; and the behavior is everywhere the same... The preference options you mentioned are interesting; i will give them a try.
I have only one question left: why is DO not behaving like Windows Explorer regarding the progress windows disappearing when clicking besides it? And is it possible that DO will get this behavior in future versions?
Because we don't like the way you can lose track of what you're doing in Explorer by clicking on something else in the same window that spawned the action, and then have to dig through windows or the taskbar to get it back.
If you don't want to monitor the progress of a long operation, just minimise the dialog, or set it the progress dialogs to minimse automatically (and use the progress bars that can be shown on the Windows taskbar and/or the Opus jobs bar to keep an eye on the percentage done).
We have experimented with changing how it works, to potentially add an option to let the progress dialog go behind the window that spawned it, but it caused problems with secondary dialogs that may need to appear (e.g. to prompt you about what happens when a file needs to be replaced), and we also found we just didn't like it (for the reasons above, and there being better alternatives already in the program).