How to prevent loading unavailable drives?

I've tried to make DOpus understand that it shouldn't start up with the lister pointing to a drive that's not plugged in. Normally I would think that pointing to another drive and "set as default lister" would take care of it, but on reboot it still points to the non-existent drive.

I'm sure it can be done, but why make it so hard? It should be that simple. There's lots of stuff that should be very easy to configure, but isn't.

I suspect it's a case of "it makes sense to the programmer". What's sorely needed is input from those using it. Lots of settings are redundant. Lots of stuff could be simplified and made more intuitive. I'm not talking about "dumbing" it down; just that it be made more intuitive and user friendly.

It isn't much more complicated than that.

See the Startup Folders FAQ.

(Alternatively, you might want to turn on the option to not automatically load certain types of drives when restarting, which you can find under Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour.)

The "Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / Update Default Lister automatically when closing a Lister" was already turned off. I suspect it's a bug in DOpus.

Thanks for your help. Don't get me wrong; DOpus is still the best file manager for Windows in my opinion. But my criticism about it being hard to configure still stands, though.

What about the other things the FAQ said?

What about the "prevent loading" options I mentioned as an alternative?

How are you launching Opus, and what is Opus configured to do when launched that way?

[quote="leo"]What about the other things the FAQ said?

What about the "prevent loading" options I mentioned as an alternative?

How are you launching Opus, and what is Opus configured to do when launched that way?[/quote]

What other things? The page only has 4 points, of which I've done all.

Prevent loading doesn't work for eSATA disks.

DOpus is launched like an app; no integration with Windows. It is configured as dual vertical with folder trees.

By "launched like an app" I assume you mean you're clicking a shortcut to Opus within the Start Menu or taskbar.

Which settings are selected in the pages under Preferences / Launching Opus?


Def. Lister:
Ignore folder..
Always in same..

Don't replace Explorer

Doubleclick desktop disabled

From taskbar icon:
Open saved lister layout (my own)

Open saved lister layout (my own)

[quote="tjukken2"]From taskbar icon:
Open saved lister layout (my own)

Open saved lister layout (my own)[/quote]

That means you haven't done what the Startup Folders FAQ said:

If you have modified your configuration to open a Layout (or something else) instead of the Default Lister, change it back under Preferences / Launching Opus.

(Alternatively, re-save your custom layout so that it is pointing at something other than the folder you're trying to avoid seeing when you open the layout.)

OK, I set it back to the Default Lister. Then I rebooted the machine, just to have done it. I set it back to my own layout, and now it seems to work. Every instance I open now points to the correct folders.

Thank you, and a happy new year!