How to put the tabsheet on top of the directory tree?

I would like to have more space and for that I would like to place the Tabs on top of the Treelist Panel of the directories

how to make ?

That's not currently possible, sorry.

It would be interesting because I installed Windows 11 and the new file manager works this way.

could you put this for a new future version

Please link your account.

Where do I link my account?

There should be a link right next to your name on any of your posts.

My account is associated with my wife

and I cannot make two associations.


I need to buy another license for my wife but she wants to use Guides like Windows 11

Do you think it's possible to do this in a future version ?

I am not sure what Guides like Windows 11 is. Can you give an example?

on windows 11
windows explorer takes up the entire area for tabs
in DirOpus it would be like putting tabs on top of TreeList Directory tree

did you get it ?

I don't think it's a difficult feature to be done, but it would leave Diropus with a good workspace for horizontal Guides

Maybe in the future.

Hi, do you have any plans for this functionality?

I am interested in buying 4 licenses for my family.

No immediate plans, but maybe in the longer term. We're busy with work in other areas at the moment.

Note that you can already put tabs on the top, left, right or bottom of the file display. Just not right at the top of the window replacing the standard titlebar.

it would not be at the top of the window as it is in "Windows Explorer" because I know that would be a lot of work for you.

You could just put it above the "Directory Tree"

it would not be at the top of the window as it is in "Windows Explorer" because I know that would be a lot of work for you.

You could just put it above the "Directory Tree"

Did the Colleague understand ?

Hello @Leo

it would not be at the top of the window as it is in "Windows Explorer" because I know that would be a lot of work for you.

You could just put it above the "Directory Tree" ?

We understand the request. No need to keep repeating yourself. :smiley:


Good morning.

Is there anything new about this functionality present in version 13? I'm interested in purchasing version 13 but only when it has this functionality
