Since loading this great software package - I've been receiving a warning message from my system watchdog "WinPatrol" notifying me, upon startup, that a program is trying to change my "StartPage" browser from startpage.
I've checked your FAQ's and other data as much as my "trial" will allow. When I unloaded Opus10 - it went away however, when I reloaded Opus11 - it returned.
Please advise if there is an option or feature set that I need to alter to stop this annoying warning.
I do like the program and am ready to buy but, I need to resolve this error/warning message: Altering WinPatrol or changing to another browser is not really an option.
P.S. I was an avid user of PowerDesk back in 2001+ with all its inherent issues but - what a great tool. Opus11 is leaps beyond earlier file managers: Thanks.
Opus does not attempt to change any browser home pages, so I think WinPatrol is showing a false positive there. You may need to contact WinPatrol support to ask them what is happening.
The only thing Opus may change that is in any way related to web browser configuration, at least that I can think of, is the setting for the default FTP URL handler. That would not affect HTTP or HTTPS URLs or browser start pages, however.
You may also want to verify the digital signatures on both the installer and the main program file (dopus.exe etc.) to make sure you have not downloaded an installer wrapped in adware/spyware or anything like that. If you got the installer from somewhere other than then that is a possibility. (If that has happened, and the installer was modified, please let us know and we'll do our best to apply legal pressure on whoever is distributing a modified installer to make them stop).
Thank you. The latter may possibly be the issue since I did originally download Opus10 from an installer other than directly from GP (although, I generally do not do this). I did check for Adware/Spyware but nothing came up so I may need to call on my MS services to scan deeper. Is this is found to be the case, I will inform you.
For all users note: Directory Opus is and will NEVER be supplied through third party installers. We refuse to allow this (and miss out on a lot of royalties! ) since we strongly believe that these third party installers, which install all sorts of unwanted garbage, toolbars and scareware, are a scourge of the internet and devalue the professional nature of any software that uses them.
Always download the digitally signed installers for Opus directly from our web servers.