I purchased Directiry Opus in Humble Bundle, i reedemed today and is expired

I wanted to install directory opus key in a new computer, now that i have it when trying to install opus it says that is expired. is there any way to devs unlock my key? i have all evidence that is my property.
sorry for my english.

I believe that you had to redeem your key by a certain period, and that this was made very clear in the Humble Bundle promotion. https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/230067247-Humble-Lifehacker-Bundle-Directory-Opus-12-Light-Key-Redemption-Instructions

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Unfortunately the deadline for redemption was May 1st.

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Yes i notice that very late :frowning:
is ok tho.

Hello @MAGA,

I'm one of the people that learned about Directory Opus through Humble Bundle. Redeemed my key back then and never used.
Currently I'm using the Pro Trial and I highly recommend that you try it. It takes a while to get used, but it's an amazing tool. This link can give you some insight on getting started and customizing it (there's some bias and outdated stuff in there, use it for learning purposes only! Still it's a great guide!)

Give it a try, you might surprise yourself :smiley:

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@MAGA This might be helpful :slight_smile: (Check Greg's message!)