Info tips for context menus

Is there a way to add info tips to context menu commands?

This would be a nice way to show some info about available modifiers.



if its possible anywhere dopus might be able to pull it off.

I've been playing with creating an AutoHotkey menu, which utilizes the win32 system menus... within AHK it is not possible for individual menu items, only the Tray icon.

This would be fantastic!

For file/folder context menus, I don't think there is currently a way, but we might be able to add one in the future.


At the moment, only File Explorer seems to support info tips.

2024-10-20 - 10.41.23

OpenHashTab has found a way, maybe inadvertently:

2024-10-20 - 10.45.19

You'll find the phrase in OpenHashTab\OpenHashTab.cpp.

Opus also shows infotips added via shell extensions to file/folder context menu items. But there isn't currently a way to define them when adding your own items those menus.

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Another thing that might be helpful for modifiers would be a way for context menu items, and items within expanded menus to have labels that could be updated on the fly based on modifiers (I always forget what I have assigned). They update for toolbar buttons but not within menus it seems.

The only other time I've seen something like this for context menus (or maybe it's a flyout menu) is within the Elgato Stream Deck interface when assigning hotkeys, if you press a modifier while it's showing the menu, it updates in real time. Not sure how they pull it off, it might be a custom menu. And it's not instant but it gets the job done.

This is what I mean (in the Stream Deck software like I mentioned):

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You'll add that but not my "hold down modifier to show tooltips" request?

You'll be able to specify tooltips for context menu commands in 13.11.1.


You mean the "right click on file/folder" context menus?

Yes that’s what the thread is about, from the first post.

Sorry I thought that reply was to me.