I've been trying to install the 64 bit trial version of Directory Opus but just keep getting a message saying "install script setup launcher has stopped working"
Please check the installer isn't corrupted.
If the installer is OK, which anti-virus (etc.) are you using?
Digital signature appears to be OK.
Using Panda cloud AV and Win 7 firewall, have just tried disabling Panda but still get same result.
The things under Problems installing Opus may be worth a try, even if the error message is different. It's not an error message we have seen before, although searching the web for it suggests it has affected a few other people with other installers.
Havent got anywhere so far, tried stuff in the install problems FAQ like deleting installshield folder etc. but no difference.
Tried different program install location and installing as administrator.
Been looking at some of the stuff that comes up in searches for this but nothing I've read so far helps, though most of it just doesn't apply to my PC.
Tried installing the 32 bit version on a laptop that is set up very similar to the desktop and it worked OK so tried the 32 bit version on the desktop but no-go again.
When I get the error the progress bar is not very far along and it has stopped on installing libea32.dll but if I check the install folder it is empty.
The installer should not normally offer an install location.
Are you using an installer from www.gpsoft.com.au?
Sorry, got that bit wrong, an install location option is something I was looking for and would have liked as I run a relatively small SSD as primary drive so installing it on another drive would have been preferable.
Got both the 32 and 64 bit installers I have tried from www.gpsoft.com.au
Got it sorted!
I found a reference to problems with windoze temp folders in an internet search and I run a couple of RAM drives with the win temp folders on one of them, moved the temp folders to a normal drive and install runs OK.
Were the RAM drives formatted as something other than NTFS? That'd cause problems as Windows assumes the system and temp folders are NTFS, I believe.
They are NTFS drives but are mounted as 'removable' to stop windoze putting recycled or system volume information folders on them, so don't know if that was the problem.
Ah ok. I've found doing unusual things in the hope they'll speed something up usually just results in problems and no speed up.