When you select thumbnails, the sort by name/size etc disapears.
I would like to keep that bar, is it possible?
I know I can rightclick but its a very slow way of changing it.
When you select thumbnails, the sort by name/size etc disapears.
I would like to keep that bar, is it possible?
I know I can rightclick but its a very slow way of changing it.
I'm not sure where you are right-clicking to even find the Sort By options it in Thumbnails View. The column headers only appear in Details Mode and Power Mode. It really doesn't make sense to display the column headers in the other View Modes.
In my Opus configuration, I added the attached submenu to the top of each of the following, from within Customize Dialog - Context Menu Tab:[ul][li] Lister Context[/li]
[li] Lister Zip Context[/li]
[li] Lister FTP Context[/li]
[li] Lister Column Header[/li]
[li] Lister Collection Context[/li][/ul]Now, no matter what I am listing, or in what View Mode I am listing it, I have exactly the same sorting options available to me. To me, the quickest place to access these context menus is to right-click on the Opus icon in the File Display Border located at the top of the file display. (Using the keyboard Menu button actually accesses a different context menu, for the selected file types.)
To add the submenu to your configuration:[ol][li] Download the attached Directory Opus Command File (.dcf) to your PC.
[li] In Opus, list the folder to which you downloaded the .attached dcf file.
[li] Right-click any toolbar and select Customize.
[li] In the Customize Dialog, select the Context Menus tab.
[li] Display each of the Opus Context Menus I listed earlier in this post, by do the following:[ol][li] Select the toolbar from the Menus list. [/li]
[li] Click the Show button.[/li][/ol][/li]
[li] Arrange the context-menu toolbars on your screen so that you can see the Customize Dialog, the underlying file display listing the downloaded .dcf file, and all four context menu toolbars in this left-to-right order: Lister Context, Lister Zip Context, Lister FTP Context, Lister Collection Context.
[li] Drag the downloaded .dcf file to the same location on each Lister Context Menu. I added mine as the first item on each menu, so it is always in the same location.
[li] OPTIONAL: On each Lister Context Menu, I selected the item below Sort By... (the item we are adding) and selected Begin a Group. This just helps the Sort By... submenu stand out a little more.[/li][/ol]
Sort By...dcf (1.68 KB)
[quote="spline"]When you select thumbnails, the sort by name/size etc disapears.
I would like to keep that bar, is it possible?
I know I can rightclick but its a very slow way of changing it.[/quote]
It's not possible at the moment but since Vista's Explorer does that and it does seem to be useful it seems like a good option to have. (Don't forget to file a feature request if you want GPSoft to add it to their to-do list.)
You could make a toolbar which has all the sort buttons you want on it. That would be more convenient to click on than the right-click menu but it would probably also get in the way when you're using Details mode so it's not ideal.