Language change during config restore (DO 13 beta)

German config backup, completely restored on an Englsih DO setup is not accompanied by a clean language change to German (parts of the interface still in English after the restore)

Which parts?

e.g. the backup and restore config interface

had to set language again to German to get things correct

for info
this has nothing to do with confi storage
this also occurs when german has been restored to german.
also frequent switching between german/english/german
produces the same result.
has been present since 0.46.
the complete toolbar "menu" is not translated.

Sometimes you also have to switch to another language so that German appears correctly when you switch again.

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I am using DO 13.4 right now. Already since 13.3 I realized that the menu titles and button titles have (for the most part) changed to German, despite the language of my OS and Directory Opus (in the settings) being English.

I was able to fix this by formally switching to German and back to English.
Why is that even necessary?

Would be happy to send over an error / config log, if that helps.

That shouldn't happen. Did you restore a config backup or change languages or anything like that? The toolbar labels don't change by themselves.

I just realized the issue still persists:

As far as I remember, I did not restore anything nor change the Windows (OS) language. Usually I just chug along and install DO beta and stable updates whenever the notification pops up.

The only "language change" I do is that I - have to - use multiple keyboard languages, which I toggle with a (Ctrl+Shift) keyboard shortcut. This however does not (seem to) influence the toolbar labels - if the above are considered "toolbars".

Your toolbars are in English.

You have some Lister Styles with German names. Those can be edited under Preferences / Layouts and Styles / Styles.

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Thank you for clarifying. You are right. I just realized those are all duplicates (of the English Lister styles) that I should have deleted a long time ago. Remnants of a prior DO version I guess.