Launching a lister in the current directory from 4nt

I am a hardened command line user, so one of the things I often want to do with GUI programs is to start them, and have them automatically open in the current directory of my 4NT command prompt. I want to be able to do this with DOpus, but I have run into a problem. If I use this command:

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt" /cmd go "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware" new

It works and opens a new lister at that folder. But if I use

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt" /cmd go . new

DOpus does not seem to understand that "." means the current directory and opens a lister at my home directory instead. Is there something else simple the DOpus understands that I can use to tell it to open the current directory?

It also gets ".." wrong - it does go up one directory, but from my home directory (C:\Documents and Settings\Stephenw).

I guess I can make a 4NT alias command to do this and give dopusrt the full path, but it seems a bit strange that DOpus seems to be redefining standard command line relative paths as all being relative to my home directory, instead of relative to the current directory.

The trouble is that dopusrt sends the string following the /cmd switch as is to the Opus main process. So it is Opus, not dopusrt, that interprets the ".", and obviously the current directory of the main process will be different to that of the dopusrt process.

There's no really any way around this - you will need to pass the full path on the command line.

OK, that explains it then. DOpus is already running and has its own current directory. Thank you.

If the Start command works in 4NT, and Opus is set to replace Explorer, then "Start ." should work.

That's what I use from a normal command prompt but I don't know much about 4NT so it might not work.