Modify Existing Key Command

As you know, the Keys tab of the Customize dialog consists of:

  • a toolbar which allows adding or modifying hotkey commands
  • a list of some predefined/user-defined hotkey commands
  • a toolbar consisting of a filter facility and OK/Cancel buttons

There is a user's question here...
Up Arrow command (Help duplicating VIM Key bindings)
...which talks about mapping the keys j and k to the Select NEXT and Select PREV commands in order to mimic the functionality of Vim.

I'm interested in doing something similar, but a bit more involved. So far I've defined the Select NEXT and Select PREV commands as mentioned above, except that I've mapped them to Alt-j and Alt-k to avoid interfering with the FAYT functionality in a lister.

I would also like to have two more commands related to the ones above which allow selecting/deselecting multiple files. I want the behavior to be exactly like the way Shift + Down Arrow and Shift + Up Arrow already behave.

I defined two new commands. The first command uses the hotkey...
Shift + Alt + J
...and the commands text...
Select NEXT=nodeselect

I used nodeselect so that the selection would be extended when one or more files are already selected. I defined a second command similarly except with the letter K and the command PREV.

However, this did not behave the same as Shift + Down Arrow and Shift + Up Arrow do, where file selection decrements when you reverse the direction of selection. I took a look at the argument options again and tried stuff like nodeselect,mark but soon realized there's probably something else I'm missing.

It seemed to me that it ought to be possible to ask Dopus to add a predefined command like Shift + Down Arrow to the list in the dialog box for purposes of inspection, view the sequence of commands in the Command Editor, and then mimic that in my new hotkey definition. But I don't see anything like that, so here I am.

Can you help?

You could use a tool like Autohotkey to do that but I don't think there's any way to do it in Opus. Shift-Up/Down are special and don't have corresponding commands that can be triggered via other keys, as far as I know.

SendKeys in a script may be able to do it, but I'm not sure.

(What's wrong with using shift-up/down, or the cursor keys in general? It's standard throughout every Windows app and not normally something people want to change.)
