Move subfolders up one level

move 500 sub folders up one level.

See #2 Move Everything Up in this thread:

If that doesn't do what you need, please give more specific details and some examples.

i would like to do the same thing but need to go up 2 folders thanks.. i know i can just click the same button again but how to set level #

Change the example on that page from .. to ..\.. to go up two levels (and ..\..\.. for three levels, and so on).

@set ChildPath={sourcepath$|noterm}
Copy MOVE * TO ..\..
Go ..\..

nice thanks now i see how it works

Leo, sounds exactly what I need. I am a CPA and my software changed and I need to eliminate one sub-directory:

Client Name
2016 [move up folder under Client Name]
2017 [move up folder under Client Name]
2018 [move up folder under Client Name]

I don't know how to create a button. I have about 500 clients that I need to move up the tax years to be subfolders under Client Name rather then TAX. If possible I would like to keep TAX as a subfolder under TAX.

I guess the bigger problem is to manually go through the 500 client folders and move the subfolders up one by one.

A rename script could do this rather easily.

But be careful! I might have misunderstood your situation and I could be a complete idiot from the internets - so create a test set and evaluate before you rename the real files!

This assumes you have a folder with 500 clients folders, each containing a folder tax and more folders within those.

The following preset removes all folders tax from the paths (starting with the drive letter) of the files in the selected folders. The folders tax will be empty.

tax.orp (391 Bytes)

Import it into your list of presets or create the preset on your own:

function OnGetNewName(getNewNameData) {
	return String(getNewNameData.item.path).replace(/\\tax\\/gi, '\\') + '\\' + getNewNameData.newname;


Did I mention to be careful?