Move up function not working

when i type the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + U the file no longer moves up to the parent directory as it did in version 10[/quote]

That is not part of the default configuration for Opus 10 or Opus 11.

The issues you're seeing a not due to changes in Opus 11; they are because you were using customized toolbars/hotkeys and are now using the default ones.

Your old toolbars are still there after you upgrade, if you wish to turn them back on again and use them instead of the Opus 11 defaults.

Alternatively, you can make changes to the Opus 11 default toolbars in the same way you changed the Opus 10 default toolbars previously.

(You can also turn on both your old and new toolbars temporarily, then copy the extra buttons from your old ones on to the new ones, if you want to keep the new defaults but carry over some of your old custom buttons as well.)