New folder context menu items don't appear

Hi all,

Something is preventing any folder context items from showing up in Dopus. eg if i install XNView, and tell it to add "Browse in Xnview" to folder context menus, this shows up in Explorer, but not in Dopus. (I can add and remove applications that provide folder context menu items, and they appear/disappear from explorer, but something is stopping Dopus from displaying them).

I've read the thread about using Debugview, and blocking Dopus from using certain CLSIDs, but I'm still at a loss to know how to proceed. I've removed a couple of applications that register context menu hanlders, but Dopus still wont display things like the Winamp context menu, irfan view, Xnview (i've tried a few different apps!)

I've recently added a "Set folder colours" context menu, as mentioned here:
[url]Set File & Folder Colors/Labels via Context Menu].

Could this be doing something...?

Oh! I've just re-read this line:

If there are any other items below the function item then they will initially be indented and inside of the sub-menu as well. To move them out of the sub-menu, right-click the first thing below the function and select Decrease Indent to end the sub-menu.

The two pictures show i) before fixing the problem: everything was on the "Set colours" submenu!!! and ii) after I fixed it.

I'm glad it was something simple!!!