New tab dragging issue v13.12.4 (3rd party software interference)

regarding ....

Folder Tab Drag & Drop

  • You can now drag folder tabs out of the tab bar to create new windows for them (like in a web browser), without having to drag them to the Windows desktop.

... it seems like it needs a bit more attention.

if seems to want to make a new window automatically when dragging to the destination lister, even when hovering over that sides tab bar. once its floating as its own window it can than be dragged back to either lister as a --> Move Tab when hovering over the tab space.

i looked in prefs thou didn't see anything obvious i could change to remedy this...?

Could its sensitive be adjusted , if over tab bar space have it move the tab rather than making a new window? Or maybe with a modifier key?


We can’t reproduce this. Anything unusual about the setup e.g. multiple monitors at different DPIs? Or any tools installed that add overlays to other program’s windows?

yes, to both, two monitors with mixed dpi

and... closing an app that displays hotkeys being pressed seems to have fixed it. this was the culprit

soo, oops, my bad!

The drag issue is because Carnac creates a transparent window that covers the entire screen at all times, so the drag & drop code sees that and thinks you're dropping on it instead of the tab bar underneath it. We'll make a change to detect that and filter it out of the window list.


makes sense, thank you.

i was using that OSD to monitor when ahk was sending keys that i wasnt actively pressing...

now I'm realizing it was also causing issues, interfering with modifier keys being released in my scripts, e.g., shift was being sent down and not back up. when switching windows\apps everything was behaving as it was using shift to click through documents, etc...

sooo, yeah. it's a tricky one. it hasn't been update in few years so it likely as decent and buggy as it will be.

I updated to version 13.12.5 and still have this issue.
Not sure what 3rd party software would be causing it, sorry, but am happy to send any logs, etc that may help.
I also have 2 monitors with different DPI

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What other software do you have installed?

I think that it is related to the monitors.
If I have the lister on the left hand (main) monitor, the tab move works correctly - When I grab the tab, it shows a tab that can be dragged along the tab row or jumps to a window preview when outside the tab row

If I have the lister on the right hand monitor, when I grab the tab, after a very short distance, it jumps straight to a window preview
The window preview may be on the other monitor, even when the cursor is still on the second monitor

This is all after updating to version 13.13

The left (main) monitor has resolution of 3840 x 2160 with 150% scaling
The right monitor has a resolution of 2560 x 1440 with 100% scaling

Hope that helps, but let me know if you need more information

just had the same issue tonight. with v13.13

had a movie playing on the big primary monitor, working in dopus on the 2nd, dragging tabs was acting as it was before.

when moving the lister window back to the main monitor its instantly corrected.

#1 3840 x 2160, 125% scaling
#2 1920 x 1080, 100% (no scaling)

Many thanks! We have a fix coming in the next beta.

I'm not sure if it's the same issue as the tabs, but if I drag and drop anything (folders, files, etc) on my secondary monitor, it bugs out. It's like it's referencing different coordinates, so you think you're dropping in a folder, but it says "move to desktop" or something else. Everything seems misaligned to what's actually on screen.

If it's on my main monitor, then it works fine. The past few versions have had this. I thought it was my computer, but after restarts, it's not.

Main computer, high DPI, works fine. second monitor (to the right) low DPI, bugs out. This is something new. Dragging tabs also bugs out like what seems to be going on here.

Thanks for any fix you may have!

Was it working for you in the past, before the recent changes?

If you haven't already, please try Directory Opus 13.13.1 (Beta) (or later) to see if it fixes the problem.

it's been recent. last few builds. I'm not sure if I can download old versions of Dopus to go back and see when it started, but yes, it's been recent. I've been using Dopus for many years/versions and this is the first I've noticed this on the second screen.

I have 13.13.1 beta, same issue.

Just to confirm (in case it helps) that 13.13.1 fixed the tab dragging issue for me.

That’s unexpected as the code to drag & drop files hasn’t changed in a while, at least as far as I can remember.

You can download previous versions via “GP Software > Download Old Versions” at the top of the page (3rd link in 1st menu right at the top left).

Let us know what you find. Narrowing it down to a particular version should help us work out what changed; or it might indicate something outside of Opus has changed, if old versions are the same.

great. thanks for the link! I'll go back and see when or if it reverts back to working and let you know!

So, I tested some older ones where I knew it wasn't a problem, and it was still there so it wasn't DOPus code....sorry!

I did some more testing, and It has to do with windows and their 'scaling' in the display. I've always had my main monitor at 150% and secondary at 100% (because it's an old low DPI, but high resolution monitor). It's never been a problem for years! (other than when dragging windows across, it does weird redrawing), but it seems some update must have borked it. If I set both monitors to 150%, DOpus has no problem registering the X/Y coordinates.

It's strange because windows file explorer has no issue, but I can confirm it's a bug when 2 screens have different scale percentage settings.

I think I'll research that and see what's going on from the Windows side. Maybe this might help you if it was a new windows update messing with display settings. I'm not sure if others are having that problem.

Thanks for helping out!

soo... haha...

i had an AHK GUI Creator app refusing to launch because it couldnt run on a high-dpi screen.

so i switch my main monitor scaling from 125% to 100% so the app would run.

and now dragging tabs in dopus are acting like they were previous with mixed DPI.

im not stressing it because ill switch back to 125% soon.

just want to let yall know.

** this may be a windows oddity.. everything on screen off, not just dopus.
even after going back to my usually 125%

You may have to restart some apps, or reboot, after changing DPI for the change to fully take effect.

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