Not seeing average transfer speed in copy dialog

In DO 13, when copying a file, I'm not seeing the current, peak, or average copy speeds, as shown here:!Documents/Opus12/File_copying.htm

Have also found other posts showing these values, i.e. Copy file dialog chart is based on average speed, not current speed

All I see is one value - the last value on the graph, as shown here:

2024-12-08 18.21.55

Not sure if that's the overall average, rolling average, or current, but in any event, how do I enable all of the values (with clear labels)?

The last value/line on the right of the graph is the current speed. (What else could it be?)

The other value/line on the left of the graph is the average speed.

Peak speed isn’t shown as it would just show how fast the filesystem and hardware caches can be filled up for the first second of the transfer, which isn’t useful.

Nothing is missing in the screenshot that I can see.