I have three usb external drives connected to my PC. I am running Directory Opus Ver 12.3 x64 Build 6183. Every time I run the program, one of my external USB drive(Toshiba 5Tb) just go mad with read-writes and does not stops as long as the OPus program is running. If I quit the program the drive carries on until I kill the directory opus process. Is this a bug? what can I do to stop this as I am worried about the disk?
I have stopped using the program.
Is Opus being pointed at the drive to display any of its folders or do anything with the drive?
If you have any old file collections pointing at the drive, Opus may be checking the files still exist and updating their attributes on startup. Go to coll:// and select and remove any collections which are there (unless you need to keep them).
The problem could also be due to shell extensions rather than Opus itself. This guide walks through that:
Thank you removing the collections seems to solve the issue.