Possible bugs in capitalization commands?

As I understand it, the following commands modify the names:

Rename CASE=upper
Rename CASE=lower NUMBER
Rename CASE=firstword
Rename CASE=allwords

And the following, to the extensions:

Rename CASE=extupper
Rename CASE=extlower

But in this version of Opus: 13.0.54 (Beta) Build 8753 x64, the commands:

Rename CASE=upper
Rename CASE=lower NUMBER
Rename CASE=firstword
Rename CASE=allwords

They are also modifying the extensions, at least in my case, thank you.

They worked the same in Opus 12. I think they've always worked that way, by design.

There are CASE=extupper and CASE=extlower which only affect the extension, FWIW. For something more complex, a rename script or something using evaluator code could do it (which is best depends on how/where you want to use the commands).

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Adding the IGNOREEXT argument should make it ignore the file extension.

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Now I understood, when I read the manual, I thought that "filename" referred to the name when in fact it refers to the name and the extension as a whole, sorry for my bad interpretation of English.

Hi @Jon, thanks for your help, but what am I doing wrong? I have tried to use:


to modify only the names, but the extensions continue to be modified. Thank you so much!

You're right, it seems like IGNOREEXT has no effect there.

In the next beta you'll be able to run Rename CASE=upper,extignore to preserve the case of the extension.

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Thank you very much @Jon!