If I understand correctly this tip, to reorganize the context menus, one has basically to replicate inside Opus the settings of the registry (HKCR/*/shell/*), in the wanted order? That seems a daunting task...
How many of those menu items do you actually use? Presumably a small subset, if you want to reorganise them to cut down on the clutter of the ones you don't use.
Well, quite a lot, probably a hundred at least: there is for me a difference between the registry actions through the shell subkeys pointed to by extensions like .txt => txtfile, which I want to keep at the top (open, edit, run, etc.), as I tuned them over the years, and what comes from HKCR/*/shell, HKCR/*/shellex/ContextMenuHandlers, HKCR/Directory/shell(ex), HKCR/Folder/shell(ex), which indeed would be worth sorting out. But if I understand correctly, I cannot have that: either I redefine everything, or nothing. Correct?
You have 100 context menu items that you use regularly? Seems unusual.
Typically, if you wanted to tidy up the context menus and all the things other software has added, you’d hide them all by default and add explicit items for just the things you use a lot. In the rare cases where you need one of the other things, it’ll be there in the shift+RMB menu, or you can add an “Other Commands” sub-menu that lists all the clutter (I think that’s described on the page you were looking at).
Sorry, I did not understand correctly. I meant I have 100 file extensions of interest. If I have to redefine the actions for each, it's a lot of work. But yes, I only use a few context menu items in the gigantic list proposed. Simply I would like to keep by default the ones specifically specified for the extension.
You can add FileType CONTEXTMENU CONTEXTOPTIONS=windowsonly to a menu (or sub-menu) to put back all the items which are hidden by the "hide windows items..." checkbox.
I think the easiest way to add that to multiple file types would be to create a file type group that includes all the extensions you want it on, then add it to that group's context menu.