Rename Presets Capitalization Presets


I'm having some issues for a long time now when it comes to creating a rename preset with regards to capitalization and the "Ignore extension" option. I'm guessing i don't understand how things work correctly so if someone would explain what i'm doing wrong that'd be great.

I'm wanting to have presets for renaming the filename only to all upper-case and another for all lower-case and then another two that change only the extension to all upper or all lower. But i can't get them to work.. even if i tick the "ignore extension" tick box and adjust the "Capitalization" drop-down i just can't get it to work... it always changes the extension even though i select "Ignore Extension".

What am i missing?

You can do it, but only via the command, not within the Rename dialog at the moment (except via a Rename script, which could do it easily).

This was only added recently, but we'll add it to the UI fairly soon:

Rename CASE=upper,extignore

Which was added for this thread: Possible bugs in capitalization commands?

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Thanks Leo. I'll keep my eye out for that addition!

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