Can you add a new "Column" to display items levels ?
Why ? I often use flat view grouped and need to know items level.
Look at this...
Can you add a new "Column" to display items levels ?
Why ? I often use flat view grouped and need to know items level.
Look at this...
Now that is possible to create custom column, I try to do this with script.
But I have a first problem, how i can determinate the current path, tab.path do nothing ?
Try this Custom Column - Flat folder level.
I try to convert my script to the new OnAddColumns method.
So I have...
option explicit
Function OnInit(initData) = "ColonneNiveau"
initData.desc = "Ajoute une colonne 'Niveau' pour afficher la
profondeur des dossiers."
initData.copyright = "2014 Albator V (Michiels Thomas)"
initData.min_version = "11.5.1"
initData.version = "v1.0"
initData.default_enable = false
initData.config.PremierNiveau = "1"
Dim col
Set col = initData.AddColumn = "Niveau"
col.method = "OnNiveau"
col.label = "Niveau"
col.header = "##"
col.justify = "right"
col.type = "number"
col.autogroup = true
End Function
Function OnNiveau(scriptColData)
scriptColData.value =
(ubound(split(replace(scriptColData.item.realpath,, ""),"\"))) + (script.config.PremierNiveau - 1)
End Function
I write this...
option explicit
Function OnInit(initData) = "ColonneNiveau"
initData.desc = "Ajoute une colonne 'Niveau' pour afficher la
profondeur des dossiers."
initData.copyright = "2014 Albator V (Michiels Thomas)"
initData.min_version = "11.5.7"
initData.version = "v2.0"
initData.default_enable = false
initData.config.PremierNiveau = "1"
End Function
Function OnAddColumns(addColData)
Dim col
Set col = addColData.AddColumn = "Niveau"
col.method = "OnNiveau"
col.label = "Niveau"
col.header = "##"
col.justify = "right"
col.type = "number"
col.autogroup = true
addColData.value =
""),"\"))) + (script.config.PremierNiveau - 1)
End Function
But I have error with addColData.item.realpath
You still need to do that in the OnNiveau function.
Sorry Jon but I don't understand...
I want to convert my script because of this...
I understand that disable script in Prefs hide column in folders options list.
In your bottom script, in the OnAddColumns function, you have col.method = "OnNiveau", but the script does not have an OnNiveau function, so that isn't going to work.
You are telling Opus to use a function for that column but the function does not exist in your script
ok, I understand now...
option explicit
Function OnInit(initData) = "ColonneNiveau"
initData.desc = "Ajoute une colonne 'Niveau' pour afficher la profondeur des dossiers."
initData.copyright = "2014 Albator V (Michiels Thomas)"
initData.min_version = "11.5.7"
initData.version = "v2.0"
initData.default_enable = false
initData.config.PremierNiveau = "1"
End Function
Function OnAddColumns(addColData)
Dim col
Set col = addColData.AddColumn = "Niveau"
col.method = "OnNiveau"
col.label = "Niveau"
col.header = "##"
col.justify = "right"
col.type = "number"
col.autogroup = true
End Function
Function OnNiveau(scriptColData)
scriptColData.value = (ubound(split(replace(scriptColData.item.realpath,, ""),"\"))) + (script.config.PremierNiveau - 1)
End Function
I'm back with this script...
I try to understand why OnScriptConfigChange method doesn't update my
column after changing script option.
I have 2 issues...