Restore Opus 12 settings from system backup into Opus 13?


I’ve just upgraded to Directory Opus 13. Unfortunately, in doing so I’ve lost all the customizations I had previously made to Directory Opus 12.

I don’t want to redo these, it would be too laborious. Fortunately, I back up my system daily.

Is there a Directory Opus folder/file where customizations are stored (like the profiles folder in Google Chrome)? If so, can I restore it to Directory Opus 13? Alternatively, can I restore Directory Opus 12 from a system backup copy of C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\ and then upgrade to Opus 13 this time keeping my customizations?

My thanks for your help and suggestions in advance.

Configuration Compatibility
  • Directory Opus 13 can load configurations, backups and themes saved by Opus 12 and earlier.

  • This doesn't work the other way around! Directory Opus 12 will be confused by new elements in an Opus 13 config.

  • Before installing Opus 13, use Settings > Backup & Restore in Opus 12 to save a config backup, just in case.

from a lister you can type /dopusdata and you'll be brought to the directory your customizations are stored in. this is what's copied from DO Backup & Restore item in the settings menu.

Installing 13 over the top of 12 should keep all your settings and convert them to the new format (where required; most settings are unchanged).

If you uninstalled Opus 12, that might explain what happened, as uninstalling wipes the config.

If you have a config backup (.ocb file) made in Opus 12, that can be loaded straight into 13, which will convert things as needed.

If you only have backups of the C:\ drive, the best thing to do is:

  • Within Opus, put these aliases into the path field and make a note of the locations they take you to:
    • /dopusdata
    • /dopuslocaldata
    • /dopusglobaldata
  • Shut down Opus via File > Exit Directory Opus.
  • Erase the content of the three config folders.
  • Copy the three config folders out of your C:\ backup (using something other than Opus).
  • Re-launch Opus.

When you do that, you should see the upgrade wizard which will let you make some choices about how the old config is converted, and then you'll be good to go.

Thanks for your quick responses. I very much appreciate them.

But how do I "put these aliases into the path field". I'm afraid I'm not familiar with 'aliases' or 'path fields'.

Also, when I search for these folders with Opus search function I can't find them. What folder are they in?


Type or paste them into the path field and push return.


Sorry to be so slow getting back to everyone, but quite a few things came up I had to deal with.

I’ve restored my C Drive system backups going back to June 1, 2024 which was definitely before I installed Opus 13. I’m afraid I can’t find the folders

  • /dopusdata
  • /dopuslocaldata
  • /dopusglobaldata

I’ve searched for these folders using the Opus search function itself to no avail (my search term was: /dopusdata/ and /dopusdata/.* - is this right?). I also used some other search software I have.

So far as I can tell the Opus folders and files are in the following folders on my PC:

K:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
K:\Users\ybrek\AppData\Local\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
K:\Users\ybrek\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus

(‘K’ was the directory letter my backup program, Macrium, gave to the ‘C’ drive backup that was loaded for viewing and searching).

There are very many folder and files in these folders, but not the three folders you mention.

What am I missing here? Where else are Opus folders/files stored? Are my settings, of which I made only a few, stored in files, rather than folders?

Any suggestions anyone?

Thanks anyway for your help so far. I very much appreciate it.

P.S. By "path field" I take it you mean the top box with the bold down arrow that lists the current drive\folder(s) as in "C:\Users\ybrek\Downloads"

If you're still stuck locating the folders, see the FAQ about them:

Yes. Type in there literally /dopusdata including the slash and press Enter.

Doing that should take you to one of the folders you're looking for.