Right-click context menu entries missing

When right-clicking on an exe file in Dopus 12 pro in Win 10, entries seen in Explorer right-click menu but missing from Dopus:
Norton security
Pin to taskbar
File insight

Mostly interested in Norton to scan a single file or folder.

I see the post here from 9/14/13 "Norton Internet Security 21 "Scan Now" which mentions that Norton had said they weren't supporting third-parties any more, but I'm hoping there's been a way around that. I've used the workaround mentioned there, but every time Norton updates the path changes so the workaround has to be edited...

The post you already found has everything we can offer about Norton. They are choosing to hide their menu in other programs. There is nothing we can do about that choice. Complain to Norton!

All we can offer is the possibility to create a similar menu which does the same sort of thing, if Norton has a command-line interface for scanning things.

From memory, the Share menu item is hidden in Opus because it doesn't work there. You can use the Properties dialog to do the same thing, though. All it does is open the Properties dialog.

Pin to Taskbar does not work outside of Explorer. Microsoft block it in a silly attempt to stop programs adding themselves to the taskbar. (Either that or they've done it accidentally, through incompetence. It doesn't work in e.g. Notepad's File > Open dialog, either. It should be hidden in other programs, since it literally only works in Explorer.) Not much we can do about that which isn't a very bad hack. But it's easier to run an app and then right-click it on the taskbar when you want to pin things, anyway.

File Insight is another Norton thing, so presumably they are hiding it on purpose. Again, complain to Norton.

If you need to follow-up, please use the existing thread so all the information stays in one place, for people who find that thread instead of this one. (But you really need to be complaining to Norton about this, not us. They're explicitly hiding the menu if the process name isn't explorer.exe for whatever ridiculous reasons they've come up with.)

Appreciate your as-ever quick response. I had previously asked Norton to restore the third-party functionality without any response.

I long ago created my own Norton Security context menu item, so I didn't have to worry about this issue. I'll attach the script I wrote to do this. The script querries the Windows Registry to find the path to the Norton scan executable, then runs the Norton scan on the selected files and folders:

' VBScript to find the path of Norton Security's navw32.exe from the Windows Registry
' Then perform virus scan on selected files and folders
' ---------------------------------------------------------
Dim objRegistry, navw32_Path, cmd
' Define Windows Registry path to navw32.exe
Const Reg_Path = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\NAVW32.EXE\"
' ---------------------------------------------------------
Set objRegistry = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
navw32_Path = objRegistry.RegRead(Reg_Path)
' Append "want all (long)" selected items
navw32_Path = navw32_Path & " {allfilepath}"
' Debug output
' DOpus.Output(navw32_Path)
' Virus scan selected files and folders
set cmd = DOpus.Create.Command()
' ---------------------------------------------------------
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I don't have NAV installed to test, but this should do the same thing as a simple non-script command:

{apppath|NAVW32.EXE}NAVW32.EXE {allfilepath}