Just wondering if it is possible to issue multiple /acmd to DOpus, from outside of DOpus - with a single external command?
I've seen the thread here... [url]Sending multiple commands with 'dopusrt.exe /cmd']... which mentions using multiple /acmd calls, one for each command. But I can't seem to get it to work.
My goal is to open a new lister from AutoCAD, to a directory based on the current ACAD drawing's directory, then set a preset folder format & flatview mode.
So... Ive got:
(startapp "C:/Program Files/GPSoftware/Directory Opus/dopusrt.exe" "/acmd Go NEW=nodual \"T:\\Path with spaces\"")
Which will bring the new lister to the top of the active window, at the specified directory.
I then try to run:
(startapp "C:/Program Files/GPSoftware/Directory Opus/dopusrt.exe /acmd Set FORMAT=DWGColumns")
Which is ineffective (I believe because the new lister is now active, so ACAD cannot send this command to DOpus.
One suggested solution from another thread was to create a DOpus internal command, and call on that from the external program (ACAD in this case). Unfortunately this won't work (I think) because the directory path is a variable. Unless there is a way to pass a variable to an internal DOpus command, from outside of DOpus.
Sorry if my explanation makes no sense, I tried to be as concise as possible.
Thanks a lot for any help.