Save a profile + validity of the key for a 2nd PC

Dear guys,

I'll change my PC in some weeks (and let the old one to my wife).
I'd like to know :

  1. if I can save my current profile (how I customized DO on this PC to apply the same profile on my new one) and how to do it
  2. if my current DO key can by transfered on another PC (if it depends on the kind of licence I bought, where can I check that)
  3. If I transfer this key to another PC, can the old one still keep DO ?

Many thanks in advance for your help :slight_smile:

Have a look here

In short, the answer to all three questions is: yes

Regarding the first question about transferring the Opus config to another computer, take a look at How to backup or locate your Opus configuration (Simple)

Much appreciated guys, thanks for everything ! :slight_smile: