Hi. Whilst i like the Dopus capability to save favourite folders, is there any way to save links to favourite files? Thanks
What do you want to do with them?
Open the containing folder and select the file?
Or open the file as if it was double-clicked (e.g. in an image viewer or document editor)?
Hi Leo. I would like to be able to select the file as though it had been double clicked. The problem i'm trying to solve is that i want to be able to conveniently group together links to related files, where the files themselves are actually scattered across many drive and directories. They are reference files - so i always want to open/modify the original only.
The easiest way is to go into Settings -> Customize Toolbars mode, then drag the files to wherever you want on your toolbars or menus, then click OK to exit Customize mode.
You could also save your links to a folder, Let's say C:\Favs. To easily add new links you could run this command from the context menu for all Files and Folders: Copy MAKELINK TO C:\Favs.
To access your favourite files from a list create a Menu button on a toolbar and add this command to the menu: Go C:\Favs FOLDERCONTENT
[quote="kundal"]You could also save your links to a folder, Let's say C:\Favs. To easily add new links you could run this command from the context menu for all Files and Folders: Copy MAKELINK TO C:\Favs.
To access your favourite files from a list create a Menu button on a toolbar and add this command to the menu: Go C:\Favs FOLDERCONTENT
Very neat idea kundal!
Now to make this even more useful... When using FOLDERCONTENT with a menu button, is there any way of adding "KEYARGS" type behaviour to the generated items so I could use Shift/Ctrl/Alt key qualifiers to influence where a selected folder opens - e.g. Ctrl-Click = Dual, Shift-Click = New, etc.?
Regards, AB
Maybe this could be of interest: [url]Modify Favorite Locations launch when CTRL or SHIFT clicking]
Not sure what you are suggesting, abr. The command on my menu button is..
go /mydocuments\favs foldercontent
Adding USEQUALKEYS or KEYARGS to the command has no effect.
Regards, AB
It seems that there are no keyargs for that command you´re using. That´s why i thought, you can maybe achieve it
through a different approach.