Saving settings

Today I bought dOpus. I had some problems getting into the registration window and decided a full deinstall, reinstall.
All works fine now but I've lost all my settings.
Is there settings file that holds all my prefences?
Or is everything just dumped in registry?

I accidently found most of my previous settings.
Unfortunately I didn't have any accidents today :wink:

a] How do I activate the Power Mode?
b] How do I activate the size calculation of directories?
c] What file holds my settings?

[quote="FileNerd"]a] How do I activate the Power Mode?
b] How do I activate the size calculation of directories?
c] What file holds my settings?[/quote]

a] View->Power to enable it on the fly, or save a custom folder format or custom layout which is set to view in power mode.
b] Preferences->Folders->Options->Calculate folder sizes automatically for: to enable 'all' the time, or click MMB on the yellow folder icon of the default toolbar to calculate only 'selected' folders.
c] Settings->Import and Export manually saves all the selected settings to a .DPS file of your choice.

Thanks for the reply.

I still having problems with Power mode.
When I use one of the dual pane modes the Power button is greyed out in one of them.
Then I selected the filetree and Power is enabled on both views.
Weird but fixed...

Anyway getting powermode working introduces 2 new 'problems'
a] The name column doesn't automaticly resize to the length of the filename.
b] I only want to select one file at the time when I click on a file.
If I want to select several I want to use the standard windows way of click + Ctrl/Shift
In other words without using Ctrl of Shift I want only one file selected.

Column autosizing is set via Folder Options or Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats. See this FAQ article to learn how to make Folder Format settings apply to all your folders.

How selection works in Power Mode is configured via Preferences / Listers / Power/Details Mode.

b] I only want to select one file at the time when I click on a file.
If I want to select several I want to use the standard windows way of click + Ctrl/Shift
In other words without using Ctrl of Shift I want only one file selected.[/quote]

Why don't you just use Details mode then?

You can set Details mode to full row selection if that's the only thing you want Power mode for.

b] I only want to select one file at the time when I click on a file.
If I want to select several I want to use the standard windows way of click + Ctrl/Shift
In other words without using Ctrl of Shift I want only one file selected.[/quote]

Why don't you just use Details mode then?

You can set Details mode to full row selection if that's the only thing you want Power mode for.[/quote]

Good question.
I think the answer is that I don't know the diffrence between Details and Power. I just choose Power because I assumed it was more adapteble.
Is there a comparison matrix of the lister modes?

All the differences can be seen by what you can configure in Preferences / Listers / Power/Details Mode.

Details Mode is essentially what you're used to from using Explorer, in terms of how files are selected and dragged. Power Mode lets you change that if you want something different, e.g. the selection/drag modes from the Amiga.

Details Mode isn't exactly the same as Explorer and you get a couple of extras. For example, if you click items with the middle mouse button their selection will be toggled without affecting any other items, like ctrl-clicking without having to touch the keyboard. (You can do this in Power Mode as well, of course.)

I use Details Mode myself.

I switched to details mode now.
It seems to do all I need.

Maybe you can also help me with saving layouts.
I have succesfully created new layout tabs.
Panes, tree, colums, info bar, etc
All are correctly restored when I click the tab.
The only problem is that the column with doesn't get stored.
Just as an example some made up numbers/names


  • Vertical dual pane
  • Filename colum is 300 pixels wide
  • Creation date colum is 100 pixels wide


  • Single pane
  • Filename colum is 1000 pixels wide
  • Creation date colum is 100 pixels wide

When I worked in ListerB and switch to ListerA the colum width isn't updated.
The Creation date column is now 'out of view' and can only be viewed by making the filename column smaller or by using the scrollbar.

How can I store the layout of each 'viewer tab'

I think layouts should save the column width, unless you have turned on autosize columns, in which case the columns will automatically size.

You can't turn on autosize for just the name column so I guess you've turned it on for all columns, as you were asking about it above?

It's probably the autosize effect - but other than that I can't think of a way to get 'Layouts' to NOT save column width... and since he keeps saying 'tabs' (like - "I have succesfully created new layout tabs") is he perhaps talking about creating lister 'Styles' and not 'Layouts'?

Nerd... exactly how are you loading 'ListerA' and 'ListerB'?

Yes I did ask about autosize earlier but now I don't really need it anymore.
I dropped the columns I seldom use.

I set the filename column size to 1111.
That works for a while and then 'suddenly' it changes to it's default size.
I've tried with auto size on/off
And with all boxes ticked/unticked
I also opened/closed the little locks.

I'm probably overlooking some global setting that overrides mine but I can't find it.

Read the FAQ on configuring Folder Formats. It should explain why the column sizes are chaging.