When using button code to drive Select SOURCETODEST and Select DESTTOSOURCE commands it struck me that it would be useful to be able to select/deselect items in the destination - e.g.
I am currently working with a dialog that manipulates selections on both sides of a dual lister. In order to do anything on the Dest pane I have to toggle Source/Dest then select then toggle back. Yes, it works but it involves annoying display flashing as the Source changes panes twice.
I'm hoping I am not alone in wanting an option to tell Select which pane (Source or Dest) to operate on.
A dialog from a script? You should be able to tell the Command object to work on any folder tab you want using the SetSourceTab method on the object. (It only sets the logical source for that command object; it doesn't change which side is visually the source/dest to the user.)