Setting DOPUS as default file manager for all apps

I know this isn't what you truly want (which many of us also want), but you can kind of get there by "sharing" things between Directory Opus and the File Open/Save dialogs using a program called Quick Access Popup (QAP). QAP integrates with DOpus and can provide shortcuts to folders you have open in DOpus.

It wouldn't hurt to take a look:

Quick Access Popup (aka Folders Popup) working with Directory Opus - Tools - Directory Opus Resource Centre (

The author of QAP, Jean Lalonde (@jnllnd), is responsive on this forum. If you have questions and tag him (as I just did), I'm 100% positive he will respond. But, please do so in some other category, like Tools, so I don't get in trouble. :smiley:

There are also some scripts, like the one linked below, that might provide useful features similar to what QAP and other tools offer, if you don't want to install a "bigger" solution.

[AHK] Switch to active DOpus list path in Save As/Open Dialogue with MiddleClick - Buttons/Scripts - Directory Opus Resource Centre

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