SFTP unable to use this key file

I just recently discovered that I can use SFTP with private key to connect to my servers.

Unfortunately, it seems that Directory Opus has a problem with my key file (which works perfectly in all the other scenarios I use to work with SSH/SFTP):

Reading private key file "C:\Users\micha.ssh\id_rsa"
Unable to use this key file (OpenSSH SSH-2 private key)

Does Opus need a different format for the key file?

Download PuTTYGen.exe from the PuTTY site, load the key into it, then save it out again in PuTTY's format. That will then work with Opus (and other things based on PuTTY/Pageant).

Perfect, this worked!



Ack.. why not enhance Dopus to support what are "standard" key files on Unix machines? I'm using WSL on Windows, and really don't like to have to re-generate the key files again. It's not a "huge" deal, but would sure be nice to not have to do that.

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