Good morning all
Show your Opus desk to give each new idea for improvements
Thank you for sharing :):)
My desktop. Two monitors in portrait mode, one in landscape.
My Lister.
Don't you dare copy any of this ingenious design
very good
That's really a gorgeous setting - not sure how you get any work done though!
Hello jsreynolds
For my office it's not very complicated to put everything in black with icons that stand out well
two three improvements and the screen that goes well and above all a transparency software, it's time to play
on the other hand to have transparency you need a dark background image if you take a vivid image you have trouble reading dopus,
and manage window overlays because they are placed on top of each other, it becomes unmanageable
@ +
I can't get past the fact I have such great monitor envy...
How did you get that drop shadow on the drive toolbar?
Your setup look awesome btw
Would you please share the name of the program left of Dopus, which shows for example CPU activity and RAM load. I find your design of dopus very interesting, but the background image makes it hard to read.
Looks like Rainmeter.
Good morning
These are small addons under rainmeters, there are many on the web, simple to install but to make modifications you have to enter the script of this one but with a little logic in itself it is not very complicated to understand.. ..
As for the transparent effect, the same under rainmeters but I gave up, not manageable with several windows open
Thank you very much!
I'm a member of the lpx school of lister design. The sizzle is on the inside with over 1,100 buttons. If you're interested in adopting some of them, take a look at Source Menu for Directory Opus 13 - #3 by jinsight