In conjunction with the new hold modifier for tooltip, I can hold Alt and look at the tooltip of a file/folder and then since my Alt key is held down already I can click and jump right to its metadata dialog.
You can do this with the folder tree, it gives you a single click option, but not the filetypes, 'All files and folders' only has double click options.
Could you add a single click + modifier for filetypes pls.
May I ask, what new functionality you are referring to exactly?
I always read the change logs and did a search here as well, but cannot remember / find related information. The feature sounds interesting to me, thank you! o)
Mhh, interesting as well, I learned a new DO trick in that link! o)
You can have the tooltips appear fast, if you enable that "Preferences / Toolbars / Options / Only with key held down" option. Nice! o)
The topic you linked to is about the fast tooltips, which cannot be combined with regularly / slow appearance. So, I'm not sure it is related to this topic, maybe somebody will join and tell us.. o)
Ctrl and Shift click already do essential things for selecting files. Allowing those to be overridden probably isn’t a good idea.
Alt + Click on its own could be useful, I guess. People would need to be careful not to do anything that broke or clashed with their Alt + Double-Click events though, since both events would execute when double-clicking. I think that could be hard for a lot of people configuring things to understand.
I see. Well one enabled would have to disable the other then.
Recently I realized that there isn't any folder tree tooltips at all. Could I sneak in that request here too pls.