I'm using Dopus v9.5.6.0 x64. It's installed on a Windows 7 H.P. x64 SP1 machine with the following core specs:
- Core i5 M540 2.53Ghz processing
- 6GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333Mhz
- Intel X-25M 80GB SSD Drive
- Etc., etc., etc.
Note: I utilize a dual pane lister setup and a "List" view mode basically 100% of the time.
My problem is that it's now taking 1 to 2 seconds every time on every folder for Dopus to show its contents in my lister. It happens whenever I change folders - regardless of the method chosen - i.e. - double-clicking the empty space inside a lister, using the "Back" or "Forward" buttons or selecting a folder via the Folder Tree. This happens even if the folder is empty and even if it's the same folder I just came from (ex. using the "Back" button).
This has not been an issue until recently and, at this point, Windows Explorer is out-performing Dopus! That's not good.
Could there be any primary reasons - or most likely reasons - as to why this is happening? I don't recall having this problem with any prior releases of Dopus. I updated to the latest version a week or 2 ago but everything appeared to be running smoothly at that time. I didn't really begin to notice any issues until recently.
The only changes I made is that I changed the Dopus preference to not calculate folder sizes automatically. However, for whatever reason, it's still calculating folder sizes automatically since I continuously see the info actively updating in my status bar. Unless there's another preference setting I've missed, I have no idea why it's still calculating folder sizes - OR - if that's the root cause of my performance problem.
If anyone could offer some advice on the issue, I'd really appreciate it. With a 64-bit system and a 64-bit app, combined with an SSD drive with approx. 1 millisecond access times, you'd think Dopus would fly. I guess not...for now anyway.
Thanks in advance for your help!