Tab "sets"

Under the theme "I would like Opus to behave like another program", let me introduce Chrome tab grouping :slight_smile:
To be more specific : Having many tabs for a file display leads to many space used, so it could be interesting to regroup several contiguous tabs in some sort of a set (the name "tab group" already being used), so that they collapse under a name you enter upon grouping (and maybe the ability to set a color for the set, to help identify it).

I understand it's not something done easily, starting by allowing multiple tabs selection to define the set, or finding another mechanism to do so, or binding that functionality to the existing tab groups (to only allow that for such groups).
And I also understand that there is a risk that it leads everyone using it to stack more tabs in listers/file display which in the end could have other consequences.

Open to any comment or thought about this.

Tab Groups have some support for auto-saving the current group when a new group is selected, which may provide what you're looking for.

What would you add to the current Tab Group feature to meet your suggestion?

I don't necessarily want to use tab groups.
I tried to make a video, but context menus do not show, which makes it hard to follow.
You'll get screenshots instead :slight_smile:

I want to achieve a mechanism that allows to regroup several (user defined) tabs under a "super tab". Clicking that tab toggles between having its child tabs to appear/disappear.

Without anything :

Super tabs created :

Folding some of them :

I was thinking this could be an extension of the way tab groups are working (new attribute show group tab in tab list ...), but there's no other reason than to reuse some existing object.

@leo : Thanks for the link. I tried to use it, but I can't really make that work like I would want.

I think I'll work on a substitute solution based on scripting to open or close tabs from TabGroups. I'll have to identify/remember tabs opened from a TabGroup that way in order to be able to close them (which relates to the other question I asked sooner today about tab vars and tab duplicates).

Anyway, if this kind of tab regroupment is under study at some point, I'd probably welcome that :slight_smile: