Toolbar has corrupting influence

Delete all of your toolbars and just use the one I have below, "Menu.dop"

  1. Start a fresh lister
  2. Under customize -> toolbars -> Add a new toolbar, named whatever
  3. Notice Dopus has now added 6 empty toolbars...

Most of the toolbars are just ghosts... they aren't actually there. If you close the lister and reopen they won't be there anymore. There is something about this .dop definition which dopus doesn't like.

I'm using 12.3 x64

Menu.dop (54.3 KB)

If you open this file in a text editor, what is inside?

C:\Users<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\ConfigFiles\toolbars.oxc

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<toolbars flags="0" version="12.0">
	<toolbar type="top">

Hrmm ya experimenting more with it now I think that toolbar has nothing to do with the problem. I deleted all of my toolbars and I can still reproduce the problem. So there is something wrong somewhere else in my config.

I reset all of the toolbars back to factory and the problem goes away. For now that will solve things for me and I will just manually bring back the toolbars I need.

Hopefully reimporting them doesn't bring back the problem.

From the old forum:

All old posts are on the new forum as well (except some very old or OT ones deleted for no longer being relevant). The same URLs still work: will take you to Anonymous Toolbars

@Jobeo: Have any of the config files been edited manually as in the other thread, or is this something different?

One more question: How were all the toolbars deleted?

The UI should prevent you from deleting the default toolbars.

They can be edited or turned off, but not deleted. If they're deleted manually via the config directories, they should come back when you restart the program.

So something outside what the program should normally allow seems to have been done here, which is probably the cause of this. Does it still happen after a reboot?