I have a particular folder for which I have a dedicated toolbar. I want the toolbar to:
appear at a particular place in the lister depending on two conditions:
Is it dual file display?
*If yes, then place vertically between the two file displays
*If no, then place vertically to the right of the file display
Is the view pane open?
*If yes AND in dual file display, then place the toolbar vertically between the two file displays
*If yes AND is single file display, then place the toolbar vertically between the single file display and the view pane (i.e. LEFT of view pane)
Disappear once the particular folder is closed
While I can assign a toolbar to the particular folder via Preferences > Toolbars > Folder Toolbars, I cannot dictate the toolbar's position based on the above conditions as the assignable positions are limited to Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.
I have tried to overcome this by assigning a toolbar set, which cannot be assigned a position here because it is saved as a set, but get the same result.
I can use a button with the following syntax to position and toggle the toolbars while opening the folder:
However, the TOGGLE action on both lines above conflicts with the Preferences > Toolbars > Folder Toolbars setting for that folder and does not close the folder.
Removing the TOGGLE action on both lines above allows the toolbar to close when the folder is closed. However, when the view pane is open with a single file, the toolbar appears to the right of the view pane, not the left as expected with the STATE=viewpane setting.
How do I accomplish both the toolbar position based on conditions and toolbar open/close requirements with the folder?
One limitation I'm trying to resolve is subfolders for the identified folder. Entering a subfolder closes the toolbar. I would prefer it remain open for subfolders, as well.
Trying to use startsWith() to identify the start of the path, but getting the following error at line 25 where startsWith() is used:
Error at line 25, position 2
Object doesn't support this property or method (0x800a01b6)
The code:
function OnInit(initData) {
initData.name = 'ToggleToolbar2';
initData.version = '2024-08-25';
initData.url = 'https://resource.dopus.com/t/toolbar-state-center-and-folder-toolbar-conflict/52475';
initData.desc = 'Toggle toolbar for a folder';
initData.default_enable = true;
initData.min_version = '12.0';
var fsu = DOpus.FSUtil();
var theFolder = String(fsu.Resolve('H:\\Library - Stuff'));
var theToolbar = 'Stuff';
function OnAfterFolderChange(afterFolderChangeData) {
if (!afterFolderChangeData.result) return;
var tab = afterFolderChangeData.tab;
if (!tab) return;
if (!tab.path) return;
var cmd = DOpus.Create().Command();
var tabString = String(tab.path);
if (tabString.startsWith("H:\\Library - Stuff")) { //ERROR OCCURS HERE
if (tab.lister.dual) {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + theToolbar + '"' +
' STATE=center' +
' LINE=0');
} else {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + theToolbar + '"' +
' STATE=viewpane ' +
' LINE=0');
} else {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + theToolbar + '"' +
' CLOSE');
That's very similar to what I have, along with the config piece to address the hard-coding concern:
function OnInit(initData) {
initData.name = 'ToggleToolbars';
initData.version = '2024-08-30';
initData.url = 'https://resource.dopus.com/t/toolbar-state-center-and-folder-toolbar-conflict/52475';
initData.desc = 'Toggle toolbar for a folder';
initData.default_enable = true;
initData.min_version = '12.0';
initData.config_desc = DOpus.Create.Map();
initData.Config["Folder 1"] = "";
initData.config_desc("Folder 1") = "Enter the target folder";
initData.Config["Toolbar 1"] = "";
initData.config_desc("Toolbar 1") = "Enter the target toolbar";
var fsu = DOpus.FSUtil();
var folder1 = Script.Config["Folder 1"];
var toolbar1 = Script.Config["Toolbar 1"];
function OnAfterFolderChange(afterFolderChangeData) {
if (!afterFolderChangeData.result) return;
var tab = afterFolderChangeData.tab;
if (!tab) return;
if (!tab.path) return;
var cmd = DOpus.Create().Command();
var tabString = String(tab.path);
if (fsu.ComparePath(tabString, folder1, "p")) {
if (tab.lister.dual) {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + toolbar1 + '"' +
' STATE=center' +
' LINE=0');
} else {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + toolbar1 + '"' +
' STATE=viewpane ' +
' LINE=0');
} else {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + toolbar1 + '"' +
' CLOSE');
function OnActivateTab(activateTabData) {
var tab = activateTabData.newtab;
if (!tab) return;
if (!tab.path) return;
if (fsu.ComparePath(tabString, folder1, "p")) {
if (tab.lister.dual) {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + toolbar1 + '"' +
' STATE=center' +
' LINE=0');
} else {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + toolbar1 + '"' +
' STATE=viewpane ' +
' LINE=0');
} else {
cmd.RunCommand('Toolbar ' +
' NAME="' + toolbar1 + '"' +
' CLOSE');
I do see an issue with mine in dual file display when opening a new tab in the same file display as the coded folder/toolbar. The toolbar closes when setting focus on the new tab, but does not reopen when returning focus to original tab.
Thanks again. This script is working better now and the code looks much cleaner.
There is still a problem with closing either file display in a dual display lister.
If the viewpane is open on the right, the toolbar ends up to the right of the viewpane.
Go back to dual display works fine though.
There is a similar problem with a single display lister with the viewpane open on the right.
Going to dual display does not change the position of the toolbar to center.
I tried finding a workaround for this, but I'm not familiar enough with the scripting yet.
I'm only guessing hacks, and they are wrong answers.
@David I validated some issues, one intermittent, and have revised the code to the best of my limited ability. There still exist three key scenarios in which the script will not position the toolbar as expected:
Dual file display, close one file display, open viewer pane: toolbar stays to right of viewer pane
Dual file display, open viewer pane, close one file display, go back to dual display: toolbar stays to left of viewer pane instead of center of dual file displays
Single file display, open viewer pane: toolbar stays to right of viewer pane instead of moving between file display and viewer pane
Seems like there may be a problem with respecting STATE=viewpane. Would appreciate your feedback. Here's the code:
Yes, feels a bit like that. But this wasn't always the case in my testing. It could also be a timing problem because of the numerous events to which the script reacts. You could zone in on the issue by adding NOSCRIPT to the commands and rejecting events by inserting e.g.
if (listerUIChangeData.change == 'toolbars') return;