Since my last update I've been experiencing an absurd amount of hanging and crashing in Dopus. Every time I open a new lister it takes up to 30-45 seconds before Dopus becomes responsive. Beyond that, it seems that any action I take potentially causes it to hang up or crash (navigate to different folder, click a toolbar button to take me to my dropbox folder, ctrl+drag some files to a program, double clicking a file to open it). It is incredibly annoying!! I've never seen it act like this. It's horrendous. How can I roll back to my previous version?
Before trying an older version, I recommend downloading and re-installing the current version, then rebooting.
Especially when there aren't any similar reports, reinstalling the current version & rebooting often solves problems like these which come after an update install, either because the first install was corrupted in some way or because the problem came from something else that happened during the reboot which is then fixed by rebooting again.
Note: Do not uninstall first, since that would wipe your config. Just reinstall over the top.
It is also worth checking the installer to make sure it was not corrupted when it was downloaded.
If you do need to go back to a previous version, I have uploaded here, assuming that is the version you were using before the update:
32-bit: DOpusInstall-
64-bit: DOpusInstall-
Another option is the latest beta version,, which you can find linked in my signature.
So I tried reinstalling over top of the "corrupted" install with a newly downloaded installer, and restarted my machine. I tried to make sure nothing odd happened and all programs were properly shut down and my machine was properly restarted. Dopus was still hanging on EVERY folder change (I didn't even test anything beyond changing folders because its so painful).
So then I downloaded the version (I'm on Windows 7 64bit), installed it over top of my second "corrupted" install. I am still experiencing identical issues with hanging.
My only ideas are:
- My hard drive is too full, but its not. I have 33.5GB free out of 139GB. Plus if it were my harddrive I'm pretty sure my whole system would be running badly, but its just Dopus.
- Maybe somethings going wrong with the 64bit version of Dopus?
- Maybe I need to uninstall completely (saving my config first) and reinstall?
- Or maybe try the newer beta?
If this has only just started happening then (particularly if you've gone back to the older version of Opus and it's still happening) it's unlikely to be anything in Opus itself. It's much more likely to be caused by something external - e.g. your virus checker, etc. Have you installed or updated any other software recently?
Not that I can think of, should I post a screenshot of my installed programs to see if you can find any suspicious ones? I've had the same virus checker (managed by IT), honestly the only thing I remember updating/installing within the last month is dopus.
What I'm trying currently is I've uninstalled dopus completely, now I'm going to run windows update and then install the 64bit latest beta. I'll let you know what happens.
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One pretty odd thing I installed recently was Acrylic DNS Proxy, so that I could develop with subdomains on my localhost (e.g. mysubdomain.localhost/mysite). Would that mess with Dopus?
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Okay so after complete uninstall, reinstall of latest beta, the first thing I notice is that its very snappy and working well. But I have not restored my config yet, I'll do that now.
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Okay! so now the first thing I notice is after restoring my config, boy do things get f'd! It goes back to being completely hung up and laggy. What should I do? There are a LOT of things in that config file that I love? Do I need to start from scratch?
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I was able to restore to a backed up config from the end of 2012, it was close enough for me to work with. It doesn't have all my black UI changes though, so maybe that's what created the issue.
UI changes like colours and images shouldn't make any difference really to performance. If you rename the config exports to .zip you can go inside them and see the files, maybe you can compare the older backup with your current config and see if you can tell what else is different?
(Btw: I deleted the config export you posted, since it contained your FTP addressbook including passwords).
We've tested your configuration in a VM and haven't found any obvious performance issues, however one thing we noticed is that you do have Opus set to automatically calculate folder sizes. If your computer/hard drive is running slowly then this could potentially cause a delay. And anti-virus checkers always have the potential to cause performance issues when folders are read. Maybe try turning off the auto-size calculation and see if it makes a difference?
Thanks Jon and Leo! I'll let you know if I find anything out.